April 24-28 is Kindness Week!
TARDIES: Please be mindful of the school day start time when dropping off your child in the morning. Students preferably should be here at 8:30 so they have time to eat and unpack before the school day begins at 8:40. Students arriving at 8:40 should be signed-in in the office. Have a great spring break and we'll see you on the 17th.
Grade reports were sent home yesterday with the exception of 5th grade which are going home today. Reports were printed on green paper.
Friday, March 24th is Jump Rope for Heart. All students need to wear tennis shoes.
The Read-A-Thon is tomorrow, March 21st! Bring your blanket, a pillow or stuffed animal (it must fit in your backpack), a book, and a water bottle! Read on Friends!
Read-A-Thon money is due Friday, March 17.
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION.To register for kindergarten, children must be 5 years old before July 1. For more information visit https://www.boe.rale.k12.wv.us/page/prek-and-kindergarten#pkf .
Pre-K Enrollment and Kindergarten Registration will open on April 3rd! For more information go to https://www.boe.rale.k12.wv.us/page/prek-and-kindergarten#pkf .
Class lists for Valentines will go home today or tomorrow, if they have not already
Feb. 20
Bus 218 and 248
Vball game!
Change in location and time: Grandview Christian Church gymnasium from 5:00-7:00
Archery practice beginning soon!
Save the date- Christmas Concert
2 hr delay
There will still be the YMCA before school program on a 2hr delay. Drop off would start at 9:10 instead of 7:10.
Christmas Concert
Grades K-5
December 8 @ 6 PM
SSHS new gym
Admission: donation of canned/non-perishable food item
Ghent Spirit Wear- great way to help support the school.