April 24-28 is Kindness Week!
over 1 year ago, Kendra Arvon
TARDIES: Please be mindful of the school day start time when dropping off your child in the morning. Students preferably should be here at 8:30 so they have time to eat and unpack before the school day begins at 8:40. Students arriving at 8:40 should be signed-in in the office. Have a great spring break and we'll see you on the 17th.
over 1 year ago, Ann Adkins
Grade reports were sent home yesterday with the exception of 5th grade which are going home today. Reports were printed on green paper.
almost 2 years ago, Kendra Arvon
Friday, March 24th is Jump Rope for Heart. All students need to wear tennis shoes.
almost 2 years ago, Ann Adkins
The Read-A-Thon is tomorrow, March 21st! Bring your blanket, a pillow or stuffed animal (it must fit in your backpack), a book, and a water bottle! Read on Friends!
almost 2 years ago, Ann Adkins
Read-A-Thon money is due Friday, March 17.
almost 2 years ago, Ann Adkins
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION.To register for kindergarten, children must be 5 years old before July 1. For more information visit https://www.boe.rale.k12.wv.us/page/prek-and-kindergarten#pkf .
almost 2 years ago, Rachel Pauley
Pre-K Enrollment and Kindergarten Registration will open on April 3rd! For more information go to https://www.boe.rale.k12.wv.us/page/prek-and-kindergarten#pkf .
almost 2 years ago, Rachel Pauley
prek expo
Class lists for Valentines will go home today or tomorrow, if they have not already
almost 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Feb. 20
almost 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Feb 20
Bus 218 and 248
almost 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Vball game!
about 2 years ago, Sara Davis
vball game
Change in location and time: Grandview Christian Church gymnasium from 5:00-7:00
about 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Archery practice beginning soon!
about 2 years ago, Ann Adkins
about 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Save the date- Christmas Concert
about 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Christmas concert
2 hr delay
about 2 years ago, Sara Davis
There will still be the YMCA before school program on a 2hr delay. Drop off would start at 9:10 instead of 7:10.
about 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Christmas Concert Grades K-5 December 8 @ 6 PM SSHS new gym Admission: donation of canned/non-perishable food item
about 2 years ago, Ann Adkins
Ghent Spirit Wear- great way to help support the school.
about 2 years ago, Sara Davis
Ghent shirts